Sunday, December 2, 2012

Things That Make Me Furrow My Brows

This is going to sound like somewhat of a hypocritical post, but stay with me here....

Unfortunately, we seem to be almost constantly immersed in a polluted sea of negativity - from people we know, strangers, advertisements, news reports, basically any and every form of media, especially social vehicles like Facebook and Twitter.
Now, don't get me wrong. I probably laughed as hard, if not harder than you when Jimmy Kimmel aired several videos of famous people reading hateful tweets sent to them by random strangers. It was hilarious.
The golden cupcake rule here is that they were making light of a negative situation, and that is exactly what we, as a society, have to do. It isn't just the media and people around us who are oozing with pessimism; it has now infiltrated......ourselves!!! *Gasp
Girls: How many times have you been perusing the "Women's Fashion" board on Pinterest, seen an adorable yet edgy and trendy outfit and thought, 'I love that....but I'd never have the guts to wear it, because it would look stupid on me.' ??
That's that little hate demon gnawing away at your core.
Alright, maybe it's not that dramatic, but you get the point I'm trying to make. If we're constantly bombarding ourselves with negative thoughts and emotions, then all that can ever be projected in each of our seemingly separate worlds is Negative Nancy to the max and all over the place. :o
Being negative and/or positive is a choice. I know people who can have magic rainbows kissing their face all day long only to complain about the wonder. You know, "looking a gift horse in the mouth" - which by the way, I've been trying to explain to my husband for about 5 years now. "No, I don't really know where it comes from or what a 'gift horse' is. No, I don't want to Google it. Yes, I know what it means, and you obviously don't."
Anyway, I digress.
These kinds of people willingly seek out negativity, which is a waste of energy in itself. Things piss me off, too, man, but you have to pick your battles. Is it really that bad?
Like in relationships. When you have an argument, you have to stop and ask yourselves, 'Is it a deal breaker?" Because if it's not, drop it and move on. It's not worth feeding into unnecessary negativity that will undoubtedly penetrate you, everyone, and everything else around you until it's unleashed in an all encompassing blanket of lower frequencies of hate.

So here's a list of things that used to make me angry, but now I try to merely furrow my brow at for a split second. That doesn't count, right?

1)Anything that requires washing by hand
2)FB drama
4)Guys who wear shorts in the winter
5)Sorority/Fraternity logo overload
6)Decked out for 8 AM zoology
7)Dudes who wear desperate shirts, i.e. arrows pointing to your crotch, and any and all sexual inuendos.
8)Old ladies at the pharmacy who never cease to cut in front of me. Nice burn, ladies. Touché.
9)Customer service robots instead of people
10)Grocery sackers insisting on carrying out my 2 bags
11)The "white/not Hispanic" box on basically any form
12)Allsups' bathrooms
13)Guys who wear white sunglasses
14)When I call someone and hear Verizon's default ringback
16)Wearing tights as pants. Seriously, camel toe?
17)When someone knows the lanes are merging yet continues to Ferrari it right to the end and then demand someone let them in. F you, dude. I'm not letting you in, and I will actively encourage others to make you wait as well. Momma didn't raise no fool.
18)When I have to pay extra for hot sauce.

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