Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Visiting the Tarot Garden

Being somewhat of a novice tarot reader, I've stumbled upon a slew of self-proclaimed "levelheaded" and "realistic" people who fear that their participation means the revocation of their soul and/or that I may actually know the devil, (I like to envision us painting evil bird houses together or gabbing about boys over Fig Newtons and Kool-Aid).
It's strange to me how taboo things like a deck of cards can be. I mean, what is really the difference between tarot cards and ritually posting your daily horoscope to your Facebook page?

It's fun, it's harmless, and for the right people, it's- dare I say it -


For some reason, people's perceptions seem to be firmly grounded in an absurd illustration of a demon of sorts who hovers over the cards, willing them to prophetize chaos and damnation for all involved.

The reason I'm painting this picture is because I have trouble understanding why "different" always equates to "wrong" in society. I could go on and on with examples of this, but you're smarter than that - you know what I mean. Why can't we explore things without the constant piercing eyes of judgement?

Perhaps tarot is therapeutic and aids in the journey to self realization or the top of whatever psychological triangle you want to talk about....a connection/session with and within yourself...
Maybe it's a connection with the universe, as in understanding it and exploring it....
Maybe it's just a damn fortune telling game that at the very least brings a jolt of excitement and enjoyment.

I'm fortunate to have had people around me that enjoy it in the same way that I do, and they were very adamant about receiving readings. I am thankful for people who open their minds and hearts to new, exciting things that continue sprouting up all around us. I think it's important that people understand that the unknown is not always dark and menacing. Some of the most breathtaking information, images, and thoughts are the ones we haven't yet experienced.

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